The Vision

There is a clear vision for the development of this site, capitalising on its gateway location and the opportunities it presents to deliver meaningful benefits for the community.

It presents a unique opportunity to:

    • A distinctive and high-quality gateway destination will be created which rounds off the urban form and acting as a transition between the expanding urban area and the countryside;

    • The traditional local character will be celebrated and exemplified, promoting the traditional architectural qualities and materials that form local character.  Distinct from other larger residential areas nearby, it will maintain a strong cultural connection with its history, whilst also capitalising on its physical relationship with Northampton.

    • Dallington Gateway North will form part of the local community, with places for the local community to play, socialise, exercise and enjoy nature both on site and beyond, including through enhanced connectivity to the significant leisure and recreational opportunities within Harlestone Firs.

    • New homes and buildings will be well-designed and energy-efficient, in a sustainable and accessible location.  The built form set within a strong landscape framework that will reflect local character and will secure the long-term protection and enhancement of nature conservation and biodiversity.