Key Benefits of the Scheme
Its strong boundaries and very well enclosed visual character will mean there will be no harmful visual impacts or effects on the surrounding open countryside. Instead, it presents an ideal opportunity to create a new high-quality gateway to ‘round off’ of the expanded urban area of Northampton with a high-quality gateway entrance that is inspired by its location and is reflective of the traditional local character of the area.
It also presents a unique opportunity to secure new, direct and safe connections into Harlestone Firs, with new community facilities and car parking for visitors, encouraging and supporting the health and well-being of the local community and visitors.
This is a readily deliverable scheme, proven by technical studies and assessments, on a site that is available now and can progress quickly.
Other key benefits arising from the scheme include:
Provision of a mix of new homes, of which 40% will be affordable, and will help to provide homes for those in housing need in the short-term.
Supporting the climate change agenda, with a focus on well-designed open spaces, energy efficient new homes, a sustainable drainage design and a sustainable location and development where people can easily (and will be encouraged to) walk, cycle and use public transport to access employment, shops and other services and facilities.
A considered design to ensure a sensitive urban-rural transition and enhanced connectivity and facilities for the local community, encouraging community cohesion and health & well-being benefits.
Protection and meaningful enhancement of biodiversity and nature conservation.
Economic benefits of construction activity and creation of jobs and local spending power for local businesses and shops.